Plum Island–North End, Essex, Massachusetts, US
15-Nov-2022 11:15 – 11:35
Protocol: Stationary
Checklist Comments:    Sunny, cold, 33 degrees, light wind.  Led BBC walk.
Common Eider  4
Surf Scoter  19
White-winged Scoter  50
Black Scoter  35
scoter sp.  700    The Scoters were far out, many outside of the jetties, making accurate observations difficult.
Long-tailed Duck  17
Dunlin  2
Bonaparte’s Gull  4
Ring-billed Gull  7
Herring Gull  1
Great Black-backed Gull  1
Red-throated Loon  21
Common Loon  2
Double-crested Cormorant  3
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Parker River NWR–Lot 1, Essex, Massachusetts, US
15-Nov-2022 11:25 – 11:44
Surf Scoter  3
White-winged Scoter  5
scoter sp.  10
Long-tailed Duck  6
Ring-billed Gull  7
Red-throated Loon  8
Parker River NWR–Hellcat Dike, Essex, Massachusetts, US
15-Nov-2022 12:00 – 12:25
Canada Goose  20
Gadwall  3
Mallard  5
American Black Duck  28    Looked like many more way down the end of BFP.
Northern Pintail  17
Green-winged Teal  28
duck sp.  100    Way down the end of BFP.  The distance and sun glare made observations difficult.
Dunlin  16
Ring-billed Gull  4
Double-crested Cormorant  8
Great Blue Heron  1
Song Sparrow  1
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