Northern Fulmar
photo by Nick Bonomo
Bay-breasted Warbler
photo by Jay Dia
Palm Warbler
photo by Jared Keyes
Eastern Meadowlark
photo by Phil Brown
Swainson's Thrush
photo by Jared Keyes
Orchard Oriole
photo by Jared Keyes
Red-shouldered Hawk
photo by Jared Keyes
Arctic Tern
photo by Johnny Owens
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
photo by Jared Keyes
Cedar Waxwing
photo by Jared Keyes
Pectoral Sandpiper
photo by Tom Graham
Brown Booby
photo by Tom Johnson
American Redstart
photo by Jared Keyes
Semipalmated Plover
photo by Jared Keyes
photo by Eric Swanzey
Snowy Owl
photo by Jared Keyes
Common Yellowthroat
photo by Jared Keyes
White-throated Sparrow
photo by Jared Keyes
Grasshopper Sparrow
photo by Eric Swanzey
Tufted Puffin
photo by Nancy and Tim Walker
Long-tailed Duck
photo by Emily Szczypek
Bald Eagle
photo by Jay Dia
Northern Pintail
photo by Jared Keyes
Alder Flycatcher
photo by Jay Dia
Least Bittern
photo by Jay Dia
Northern Parula
photo by Emily Szczypek
Spruce Grouse
photo by Susan Hedman
Hermit Thrush
photo by Jared Keyes
Eastern Bluebirds
photo by Jared Keyes
Cerulean Warbler
photo by Jared Keyes
Warbler Banding
photo by Jocelyn Pyne
Atlantic Puffin
photo by Johnny Owens
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
photo by Jared Keyes
Northern Harrier
photo by Jay Dia
Glossy Ibis
photo by Eric Swanzey
Wood Duck
photo by Jay Dia
Purple Sandpiper
photo by Christopher Ciccone
Scarlet Tanager
photo by Tom Graham
Northern Parula
photo by Jared Keyes
Yellow-rumped Warbler
photo by Jared Keyes
Blackburnian Warbler
photo by Jared Keyes
Long-tailed Duck
photo by Jared Keyes
Barn Swallows
photo by Jared Keyes
Forster's Tern
photo by Jay Dia
Black-and-white Warbler
photo by Jared Keyes
Chipping Sparrow
photo by Jared Keyes
Barrow's Goldeneye
photo by Jared Keyes
White-faced Storm-Petrel
photo by Tom Johnson
Piping Plover
photo by Jared Keyes
Baltimore Oriole
photo by Jared Keyes
Pileated Woodpecker
photo by Susan Hedman
Wood Thrush
photo by Jared Keyes
Brookline Bird Club – America’s most active bird club!
The Brookline Bird Club conducts birding trips in New England, offers and supports educational programs about birds and nature, and works to conserve birds and their habitats.
View an annotated version of the revisions.
Contact Chris Hughes, Treasurer, with any questions.
Changes Coming to Mt Auburn Cemetery This Spring
Cliff Cook2025-03-10T10:24:07-04:00March 10th, 2025|
Mt Auburn Cemetery has announced changes to birder access starting this spring. In short the gates will open every day [...]
eBird Tip – How to use eBird When Traveling
Cliff Cook2025-03-10T10:06:25-04:00March 10th, 2025|
Thanks to Bob Ross for the following article, which started out as a MassBird listserv post: eBird Alerts are an [...]
US Fish & Wildlife Service Major Staff Cuts
Cliff Cook2025-03-10T10:42:43-04:00February 19th, 2025|
On Friday, March 14 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM the National Wildlife Refuge Association will host the webinar "Capitol [...]
Avian Influenza Spreading in Massachusetts
Cliff Cook2025-02-19T18:01:54-05:00February 19th, 2025|
Avian influenza is an increasing public health concern and is spreading across Massachusetts. In the past few days we have [...]
March 26 Member Webinar: A Month at Sea in the Humboldt Current – Ship Life, Pelagic Birds, and Deep Sea Creatures with Scott Weiman
Cliff Cook2025-02-19T18:02:59-05:00February 19th, 2025|
Embark on an evening of discovery as marine geochemist Scott Wieman recounts a recent month-long research expedition aboard the R/V [...]
April 9 Member Webinar: The Corvid’s World, with John Marzluff
Cliff Cook2025-02-19T18:03:12-05:00February 19th, 2025|
How have corvids mastered city life, learned human faces and learned to use tools? What settings and experiments help humans [...]
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Brookline Bird Club – America’s most active bird club!
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On a Pelagic looking for Storm Petrels
Franklin Park, Boston
Hellcat boardwalk, Parker River NWR
Boston - Fenway Victory Gardens