Field Trips – Info for participants
The Brookline Bird Club conducts birding trips in New England. Birding belongs to everyone: we welcome all who enjoy and care about birds, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, birding experience or skill level.
We encourage you to suggest new spots for our birding trips. Please let us know if there’s a place near where you live that you would recommend.
Types of Field Trips
Birding 101

Trips designated BIRDING 101 are geared especially to beginners or young birders. The leader will focus on the basics of birding such as field marks, how to describe a bird’s location, and identification tips. These trips are open to all, but are ideal if you are a beginner or have a non-birding friend (a pre-birder!) who might like to come along and see what it’s all about. That’s how most of us got started! If you have a suggestion for a good spot for a beginners’ walk, please contact the field trip coordinator.
Limited Mobility

Trips designated LIMITED MOBILITY are geared especially to birders who are unable to walk/hike long distances. The leader will focus on going to areas where birds can be seen from the car or by taking short walks on easy terrain. Wheel chairs can be accommodated in some areas. Contact the leader if you use one. These trips are open to all, but are ideal if you might like to come on a bird trip and not be left behind while others go off on a long hike. If you have a suggestion for a good spot for a beginners’ walk, please contact the field trip coordinator.
Conservation Series

Trips designated with the Breeding Bird Conservation logo are adventures in search of Massachusett’s endangered breeding birds. The goal of these trips is to contribute to local bird and habitat conservation, in addition to providing club members with the chance to experience these endangered birds on their breeding grounds. Each trip will attempt to submit an observation of at least one state-listed bird species to the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP). If accepted by NHESP, these sightings support legal protection for MA endangered species under state conservation laws. For more information on the NHESP and other conservation efforts, please our Conservation Resources page.
Loaner Binoculars

Trips designated with LOANER BINOCULARS will include the use of loaner binoculars for your excursion.
Family Friendly

Trips designated as FAMILY FRIENDLY are field trips that are suitable for families with pre-teen children.
Birding Boston

Trips designated BIRDING BOSTON are trips taking place in the City of Boston.