Martin Burns WMA, Essex, Massachusetts, US
May 26, 2022 6:40 AM – 9:43 AM
Checklist Comments:    Partly to mostly sunny 54-62 degrees with winds SSW 6 mph. With Brookline Bird Club walk led by Dave Williams. We walked from the main entrance and then continued around the trail loop clockwise. 11 participants.
37 species (+1 other taxa)
duck sp.  1    Flyover- probably Mallard
Mourning Dove  1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  4
Great Blue Heron  8    5 adults and 1 chick in nest at rookery. 2 more adults seen flying as we walked the trail
Cooper’s Hawk  1
Eastern Wood-Pewee  5    Heard in various locations along the trail
Great Crested Flycatcher  3
Warbling Vireo  1
Red-eyed Vireo  6
Black-capped Chickadee  2
Tufted Titmouse  1
Tree Swallow  2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  3
House Wren  2    Singing near entrance buildings
Carolina Wren  1
Gray Catbird  16    Often seen in pairs
Eastern Bluebird  1
Wood Thrush  4    Heard singing and one on nest
American Robin  4
American Goldfinch  7
Chipping Sparrow  3
Song Sparrow  4
Swamp Sparrow  1
Eastern Towhee  3
Baltimore Oriole  4
Red-winged Blackbird  7
Brown-headed Cowbird  3
Common Grackle  4
Ovenbird  12
Blue-winged Warbler  9    All singing and 5 also seen. Three together chasing each other
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Common Yellowthroat  11
Northern Parula  1
Yellow Warbler  2
Pine Warbler  2
Scarlet Tanager  1    Female
Northern Cardinal  4
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  2
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