Franklin Park, Suffolk, Massachusetts, US
May 2, 2021 7:35 AM – 9:45 AM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Checklist Comments: BBC trip to Overlook ruins & Bear Cages. Thanks to Stephen Baird for the screech owl intel.
32 species (+1 other taxa)
Chimney Swift 3
Herring Gull (American) 1
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Turkey Vulture 1
hawk sp. 1
Eastern Screech-Owl 1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2 Chasing each other by the Bear Cages, giving quite a show.
Red-bellied Woodpecker 3
Downy Woodpecker (Eastern) 1
Northern Flicker 2
Blue Jay 5
American Crow 1
Black-capped Chickadee 2
Tufted Titmouse 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3
Carolina Wren 1
European Starling 8
Gray Catbird 1
Hermit Thrush 1
American Robin 15
House Sparrow 6
American Goldfinch 6
Chipping Sparrow 2
Dark-eyed Junco 1
White-throated Sparrow 1
Savannah Sparrow 5
Song Sparrow 1
Eastern Towhee 1
Common Grackle 8
Black-and-white Warbler 3
Palm Warbler 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) 6
Northern Cardinal 1
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