Frances A. Crane WMA, Barnstable, Massachusetts, US

Jun 4, 2024 8:05 AM – 10:24 AM

Protocol: Traveling

1.375 mile(s)

Checklist Comments:    This was a Cape Cod Bird Club cosponsored walk with Brookline Bird Club and included 14 participants led by Peter Fang. It was a beautiful morning with full sun, a light breeze and temps in the high 60’s. We viewed from the main trail and in the vicinity of the kettle hole but the Blue Grosbeaks preferred to stay to themselves today. The Grasshopper Sparrows were active today, landing on snags close to the group providing very nice looks. Thanks to BBC members for making the trip and joining us.

30 species

Mourning Dove  7

Killdeer  8

Great Blue Heron  1

Turkey Vulture  4

Osprey  3

Cooper’s Hawk  1

Red-tailed Hawk  3

Northern Flicker  2

Eastern Kingbird  4

Tree Swallow  1

Barn Swallow  14

European Starling  2

Brown Thrasher  2

Northern Mockingbird  2

American Robin  4

Cedar Waxwing  2

American Goldfinch  7

Grasshopper Sparrow  6    Saw at least 4 perched up and heard others along the trail. Conservative count.

Chipping Sparrow  1

Field Sparrow  1

Savannah Sparrow  1

Song Sparrow  5

Eastern Towhee  2

Eastern Meadowlark  3

Red-winged Blackbird  4

Brown-headed Cowbird  3

Common Grackle  9

Common Yellowthroat  1

Prairie Warbler  3

Northern Cardinal  1

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