BHI–Deer Island, Suffolk, Massachusetts, US
Feb 1, 2025 9:08 AM – 10:51 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.878 mile(s)
Checklist Comments: BBC trip led by Soheil Zendeh & Justine Hanson. Blustery winds & snow blowing straight at us plus icy paths led us to just do a short portion of each side. Fun & hardy group!
18 species
Brant 4
American Black Duck 2
Common Eider 300 Estimate. We saw distant huge rafts but didn’t get close enough to count them.
Surf Scoter 8
White-winged Scoter 4
Black Scoter 8
Long-tailed Duck 2
Bufflehead 10
Common Goldeneye 3
Red-breasted Merganser 8
Mourning Dove 3
Ring-billed Gull 50
American Herring Gull 20
Great Black-backed Gull 2
Iceland Gull 3 One first year and at least two adults, all flying.
Common Loon 2
Northern Mockingbird 1
American Robin 1
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