Fresh Pond, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, US
11-Nov-2023 07:00 – 09:00
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
Checklist Comments: BBC Bird Walk, Fresh Pond
33 species
Canada Goose 19
Mute Swan 2
Mallard 5
Ring-necked Duck 17
Hooded Merganser 8
Ruddy Duck 4
Pied-billed Grebe 1
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 3
Mourning Dove 2
Herring Gull 3
Double-crested Cormorant 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker 3
Downy Woodpecker 4
Northern Flicker 2
Blue Jay 13
American Crow 4
Black-capped Chickadee 5
Tufted Titmouse 5
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 5 A group of ruby-crowned kinglets foraging together in Lusitania Meadow. Also seen were Golden-crowned kinglets. The RCKI were clearly ID’ed by multiple birders and the ruby crown was vivid on several within the group. No photo, but we tried!
Golden-crowned Kinglet 5
White-breasted Nuthatch 5
Brown Creeper 1
European Starling 16
American Robin 19
House Sparrow 6
Pine Siskin 5
American Goldfinch 7
Dark-eyed Junco 2
Song Sparrow 4
Red-winged Blackbird 4
Brown-headed Cowbird 1 Surprising to find this bird, but ID’ed by this photo (by Jason Forbes)
Common Grackle 4
Northern Cardinal 5
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