Weston Station Pond, Middlesex, Massachusetts, US

Apr 29, 2024 9:38 AM – 11:29 AM

Protocol: Traveling

1.734 mile(s)

Checklist Comments:    Brookline Bird Club walk with a dozen participants of various experience levels

35 species

Canada Goose  6

Mallard  1

Killdeer  1

Double-crested Cormorant  2

Great Blue Heron  15

Turkey Vulture  2

Red-tailed Hawk  3

Belted Kingfisher  2

Downy Woodpecker  3

Eastern Kingbird  2

Warbling Vireo  2

Blue Jay  4

American Crow  2

Black-capped Chickadee  8

Tufted Titmouse  5

Tree Swallow  20

Barn Swallow  2

White-breasted Nuthatch  2

House Wren  3    Singing at close range in several different locations

Carolina Wren  5

European Starling  8

Eastern Bluebird  1

American Robin  11

House Sparrow  7

House Finch  7

American Goldfinch  4

Chipping Sparrow  4

Savannah Sparrow  2

Song Sparrow  8

Baltimore Oriole  1

Red-winged Blackbird  20

Brown-headed Cowbird  4

Common Grackle  8

Yellow-rumped Warbler  5

Northern Cardinal  9

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S171043963