Revere Beach–Point of Pines, Suffolk, Massachusetts, US
Sep 8, 2018 7:50 AM – 8:15 AM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: Co-led BBC walk. Overcast, wind NNE 10-15. Tide almost high and rising. Water conditions normal. Too late, flats covered.
10 species
Mallard 5
Semipalmated Plover 2
Sanderling 2
Semipalmated Sandpiper 3
Bonaparte’s Gull 60
Ring-billed Gull 25
Herring Gull 7
Great Black-backed Gull 5
Double-crested Cormorant 8
Song Sparrow 1
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The Key Wildlife Observation Area, Suffolk, Massachusetts, US
Sep 8, 2018 8:25 AM – 9:25 AM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: Co-led BBC walk. Overcast. Almost high, rising. Water conditions normal.
18 species
Mallard 7
Semipalmated Plover 4
Killdeer 2
Least Sandpiper 2
Semipalmated Sandpiper 15
Short-billed Dowitcher 1
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Greater Yellowlegs 9
Lesser Yellowlegs 2
Ring-billed Gull 1
Herring Gull 2
Common Tern 1
Double-crested Cormorant 2
Great Blue Heron 2
Great Egret 28 Egrets all together when we arrived. Fly off over to Belle Isle Marsh in small groups shortly after we arrived.
Snowy Egret 8
Osprey 2
Bald Eagle 1
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Winthrop Beach and Five Sisters, Suffolk, Massachusetts, US
Sep 8, 2018 9:30 AM – 10:25 AM
Protocol: International Shorebird Survey (ISS)
0.2 mile(s)
Comments: Co-led BBC walk. Overcast, wind NNE 10-15. Tide almost high and rising. Water conditions normal.
12 species
American Oystercatcher 3
Semipalmated Plover 5
Ruddy Turnstone 2
Sanderling 3
Least Sandpiper 1
Semipalmated Sandpiper 45
Western Sandpiper 1 Appeared to be an adult. Worn feathers, grayish-brown, scaps colored, but not real reddish. Bill long and tapered thin.
Laughing Gull 7
Ring-billed Gull 20
Herring Gull 15
Great Black-backed Gull 12
Double-crested Cormorant 36
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Fisherman’s Bend Park, Suffolk, Massachusetts, US
Sep 8, 2018 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Protocol: Stationary
Comments: Co-led BBC walk. Overcast, wind NNE 10. Tide high, water conditions normal. Tough to see and count the birds as they were among the rocks and grass that made up the jetty and nothing flushed for the hour we were there.
22 species
Canada Goose 1
Mallard 6
Mourning Dove 1
American Oystercatcher 14
Black-bellied Plover 55 Rough count, tough to determine with them in and among the grass and rocks of the jetty.
American Golden-Plover 1 A challenge to pick out in the grass with the BBPL. Saw one, other folks had two. Bill shorter than near by BBPL’s, dark cap, white supercilium.
Semipalmated Plover 1
Killdeer 1
Hudsonian Godwit 1 Continuing bird roosting in the grass in the middle of the jetty. Sleeping most of the time but did show several times. Large, grayish shorebird, upturned bill with pink at base. Noticible white supercilium, black tail.
Marbled Godwit 1 Continuing bird(s). I only could see one. Other folks had two. Roosting on rocks of jetty, a challenge to pick out. Large shorebird with very long, slightly upturned bill. Warm, Buffy color.
Ruddy Turnstone 4
Short-billed Dowitcher 2
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Greater Yellowlegs 3
Ring-billed Gull 2
Herring Gull 8
Great Black-backed Gull 1
Double-crested Cormorant 25
Cooper’s Hawk 2
Merlin 1
American Crow 1
House Sparrow 20 Est.
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