Salem Woods, Essex, Massachusetts, US
Jun 5, 2022 1:48 PM – 4:40 PM
Checklist Comments: BBC Bird Walk led by Shilo McDonald.
33 species
Mute Swan 1 Adult female on nest.
Wood Duck 1 Adult male.
Mourning Dove 1
Chimney Swift 2
Herring Gull 3 Flying by.
Great Blue Heron 1 Seen from the lookout of the marsh.
Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 Flying over the marsh. Being chased by Red-winged Blackbirds.
Red-shouldered Hawk 1 Medium sized hawk with fairly long tail. Broad wings. Black and white banded tail and flight feathers. Photos attached.
Red-tailed Hawk 1 Seen while in the parking lot.
Downy Woodpecker 1 Heard only. Descending whinny. And also drumming.
Olive-sided Flycatcher 2 1 adult. 1 juvenile. Both seen well. Both perched atop dead trees. Photos attached.
Eastern Wood-Pewee 1 Heard only. Singing. Pee-uh-weee.
Great Crested Flycatcher 2 Seen and heard. Weeping (probably over something you did).
Warbling Vireo 1 Heard only. Singing.
Blue Jay 5
Black-capped Chickadee 5
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 2 Hunting over the marsh.
White-breasted Nuthatch 2 Pair in suitable habitat.
House Wren 1 Singing.
Gray Catbird 4 Singing. And whining.
American Robin 10
Cedar Waxwing 10 Great views.
Chipping Sparrow 1 Heard in the parking lot, Mechanical trill.
Song Sparrow 3
Swamp Sparrow 2
Eastern Towhee 2 Heard only. Name calling.
Baltimore Oriole 2 Heard only. Singing and chattering.
Red-winged Blackbird 30 Estimate.
Common Grackle 10
Common Yellowthroat 4 Singing.
Yellow Warbler 1
Northern Cardinal 2 Singing.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1 Adult male. Seen well.
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