Vernal Equinox Walk for the Brookline Bird Club (BBC).  It was an afternoon trip that went from 1:00 to 6:00PM.  We met folks at Cashman Park in Newburyport and traveled to Wet Meadows on Scotland Road, Cherry Hill Reservoir, Salisbury Beach State Reservation, Littles Lane, Parker River, and Stackyard Road. We had great weather with clear sky, sunshine, and warm temps (hi of 51df).  We tallied 55 species for the Club list.  Following is a complete list of the birds we saw:

Common Loon – 1

Turkey Vulture – 13

Canada Goose – 225

Mute Swan – 2

Gadwall – 8

American Black Duck – 7

Mallard – 23

Ring-necked Duck – 11

Greater Scaup – 2

Lesser Scaup – 7

Common Eider – 300

Surf Scoter – 18

White-winged Scoter – 500

Black Scoter – 24

Long-tailed Duck – 6

Bufflehead – 30

Common Goldeneye – 35

Common Merganser – 17

Red-breasted Merganser – 8

Ruddy Duck – 25

Bald Eagle – 1

Copper’s Hawk – 2

Red-tailed Hawk – 9

Merlin – 1

Purple Sandpiper – 8

Herring Gull – 30

Ring-billed Gull – 55

Great Black-backed Gull – 6

Rock Pigeon – 33

Mourning Dove – 14

Downy Woodpecker – 6

Hairy Woodpecker – 2

Pileated Woodpecker – 2

Norther Flicker – 2

Blue Jay – 8

American Crow – 16

Black-capped Chickadee – 37

Tufted Titmouse – 4

Red-breasted Nuthatch – 3

White-breasted Nuthatch – 8

Carolina Wren – 6

Eastern Bluebird – 9

American Robin – 45

European Starling – 56

American Pipit – 5

Northern Mockingbird – 1

White-throated Sparrow – 2

Song Sparrow – 11

Red-winged Blackbird – 14

Common Grackle – 3

Dark-eyed Junco – 18

Northern Cardinal – 12

House Finch – 2

American Goldfinch – 10

House Sparrow –7

Wishing you all a Happy, Birdy Spring!

Laura H. de la Flor