Myles Standish SF, Plymouth, Massachusetts, US

Jun 5, 2024 6:42 PM – 8:47 PM

Protocol: Traveling

1.25 mile(s)

Checklist Comments:    BBC, SSBC, Friends of Myles Standish Walk.

19 species

Mourning Dove  6

Eastern Whip-poor-will  6    First calling at 8:26pm, soon had 4 calling around us. 

Saw one of them flying twice! Some of the group saw one land on a gate; 6th bird seen crossing road in headlights

Great Blue Heron (Great Blue)  2

Great Crested Flycatcher  1

Black-capped Chickadee  1

House Wren (Northern)  1

Gray Catbird  3

Hermit Thrush (faxoni/crymophilus)  7

American Robin  5

American Goldfinch  5

Chipping Sparrow  4

Song Sparrow (melodia/atlantica)  1

Eastern Towhee (Red-eyed)  17

Brown-headed Cowbird  1

Ovenbird  7

Black-and-white Warbler  2

Common Yellowthroat  2

Pine Warbler  16    Tally

Prairie Warbler  7

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