Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Middlesex, Massachusetts, US
May 28, 2021 6:00 AM – 10:17 AM
Protocol: Traveling
5.92 mile(s)
37 species (+1 other taxa)
Mallard 1
Wild Turkey 1
Mourning Dove 3
Chimney Swift 6
Downy Woodpecker (Eastern) 2
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) 3
Eastern Wood-Pewee 3 A pair near Spectacle and a single near the Dell singing… odd to see so many as I don’t think of it as a typical Mt Auburn species. Maybe a family.
Empidonax sp. 1 Seen after the walk in area near the wall. Some odd Willow-like sounds but no real singing.
Great Crested Flycatcher 1 After the walk
Eastern Kingbird 2
Warbling Vireo 4
Red-eyed Vireo 3
Blue Jay 8
American Crow 1
Fish Crow 1
Common Raven 4 Probably a family
Black-capped Chickadee 6
Tufted Titmouse 1
White-breasted Nuthatch (Eastern) 2
European Starling 7
Gray Catbird 4
Swainson’s Thrush 2
American Robin 85
Cedar Waxwing 14
House Sparrow 4
American Goldfinch 5
Chipping Sparrow 7
Song Sparrow 8
Baltimore Oriole 7
Red-winged Blackbird 4
Brown-headed Cowbird 1
Common Grackle 8
American Redstart 5
Magnolia Warbler 1
Blackpoll Warbler 3
Pine Warbler 3
Northern Cardinal 5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 2
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