Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Middlesex, Massachusetts, US
22-May-2023 06:11 – 08:54
Protocol: Traveling
2.711 mile(s)
Checklist Comments:    BBC: Indian Ridge, Dell, Willow Pond, Spruce Ave, W of Fir Ave; thanks to Jill and Dorian for help in song ID and spotting
37 species
Chimney Swift  6
Double-crested Cormorant  4    High flyovers
Great Blue Heron  2
Northern Flicker  1
Eastern Wood-Pewee  1    South of Laurel Ave
Blue-headed Vireo  1
Warbling Vireo  3
American Crow  2
Black-capped Chickadee  3
Tufted Titmouse  3
House Wren  3
Carolina Wren  1    Dell, feeding cowbird chick
European Starling  2
Gray Catbird  4
Swainson’s Thrush  2
American Robin  30    Estimate
Cedar Waxwing  22
House Sparrow  2
House Finch  2
Chipping Sparrow  4
Song Sparrow  2
Baltimore Oriole  8
Red-winged Blackbird  12    Estimate
Brown-headed Cowbird  3    Fledgling being fed by Carolina Wren
Common Grackle  7
Tennessee Warbler  3    Much heard, little seen
Nashville Warbler  1
Northern Parula  3
Magnolia Warbler  1    Heard
Bay-breasted Warbler  4    Mainly heard, a couple seen
Blackburnian Warbler  5    More heard than seen
Yellow Warbler  3
Blackpoll Warbler  1    Heard well
Black-throated Blue Warbler  1    Heard
Pine Warbler  1    Dell singing
Scarlet Tanager  1
Northern Cardinal  3
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