Magazine Beach Park, Middlesex, Massachusetts, US

May 11, 2024 7:15 AM – 9:00 AM

Protocol: Traveling

2.0 mile(s)

Checklist Comments:    Brookline Bird Club and Mass Audubon walk

51 species (+3 other taxa)

Domestic goose sp. (Domestic type)  12    Most at Goose Park

Canada Goose  50    Mixed between MBP and Goose Park

Domestic goose sp. x Canada Goose (hybrid)  4    Goose Park

Mute Swan  2

Mallard  16

Mallard (Domestic type)  2

Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  25    On/around BU bridge

Mourning Dove  4    Mixed in feeding on ground at Goose Park

Chimney Swift  1

Killdeer  1    Heard flyover

Ring-billed Gull  8

Herring Gull  6

Double-crested Cormorant  8

Great Blue Heron  2

Red-bellied Woodpecker  1

Downy Woodpecker  1

Northern Flicker  1

Peregrine Falcon  2

Eastern Kingbird  4

Warbling Vireo  4

Red-eyed Vireo  1

Blue Jay  7

American Crow  1

Black-capped Chickadee  1

Tree Swallow  6

House Wren  1

European Starling  6

Gray Catbird  5

Northern Mockingbird  1

American Robin  8

House Sparrow  12

American Goldfinch  8

Chipping Sparrow  6

White-throated Sparrow  4

Savannah Sparrow  2

Song Sparrow  5

Baltimore Oriole  3

Brown-headed Cowbird  2

Ovenbird  2

Black-and-white Warbler  4

Nashville Warbler  1    Singing by Audubon building

Common Yellowthroat  3

American Redstart  3

Northern Parula  3

Magnolia Warbler  1

Yellow Warbler  2

Blackpoll Warbler  1    Goose Park

Black-throated Blue Warbler  1    Goose Park

Palm Warbler  1    Slightly late

Prairie Warbler  1    1F seen just before walk kicked off

Black-throated Green Warbler  1    1F seen by some in minutes leading up to walk

Wilson’s Warbler  1    Seen by some by wastewater treatment building

Northern Cardinal  1

Rose-breasted Grosbeak  1    1F seen by some early in walk

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