Fruitlands Museum, Harvard, 100-132 Prospect Hill Road, Worcester, Massachusetts, US
Jul 14, 2018 7:00 AM – 10:05 AM
Protocol: Traveling
2.4 mile(s)
Comments:     Brookline Bird Club and Boxborough Birders. 60F at start, calm, partly sunny.
44 species (+1 other taxa)

Wild Turkey  39
Double-crested Cormorant  2     Fly-over
Great Blue Heron  2     Fly-over
Turkey Vulture  1
Red-tailed Hawk  2     Possibly 3; 2 seen flying on separate sightings; 1 juvenile perched on top of pine tree on campus.
Mourning Dove  5
Chimney Swift  4
Ruby-throated Hummingbird  2
Red-bellied Woodpecker  2
Downy Woodpecker  3
Northern Flicker  3
Eastern Wood-Pewee  2
Eastern Phoebe  5
Eastern Kingbird  1
Warbling Vireo  2
Red-eyed Vireo  5
Blue Jay  1
American Crow  3
Barn Swallow  8
Black-capped Chickadee  6
Tufted Titmouse  4
House Wren  1
Eastern Bluebird  6
Veery  1
Hermit Thrush  1
American Robin  25     Conservative count
Gray Catbird  7
Cedar Waxwing  2
Ovenbird  2
Blue-winged Warbler  1
Common Yellowthroat  6
American Redstart  1
Pine Warbler  2
Chipping Sparrow  6     Conservative count.
Song Sparrow  4
Northern Cardinal  2
Rose-breasted Grosbeak  2
Indigo Bunting  4
Bobolink  1     Male in New Meadow
Red-winged Blackbird  9     Flying
House Finch  2
Purple Finch  1     Seen by 2 of the group at end of walk.
House/Purple Finch  2
American Goldfinch  11
House Sparrow  2

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