Dunback Meadow, Middlesex, Massachusetts, US
04-Dec-2022 08:01 – 11:19
31 species
Mourning Dove  16
Turkey Vulture  1
Red-tailed Hawk  2
Red-bellied Woodpecker  3
Downy Woodpecker  12
Northern Flicker  3
Blue Jay  14
American Crow  2
Black-capped Chickadee  14
Tufted Titmouse  6
Ruby-crowned Kinglet  2    Seen in separate locations. Small greenish gray bird with plain crown. One did flash its ruby crown.
White-breasted Nuthatch  5
Brown Creeper  1
Carolina Wren  9
European Starling  10
Gray Catbird  2    Distinct birds calling from opposites sides of trail near Bowman School
Northern Mockingbird  4
Eastern Bluebird  4
American Robin  80
House Sparrow  32
House Finch  14
Purple Finch  1
American Goldfinch  20
American Tree Sparrow  13
Dark-eyed Junco  12
White-throated Sparrow  12
Song Sparrow  13
Red-winged Blackbird  10    Estimate. Portion of mixed species flock at feeders by house at start of Bacon St.
Common Grackle  15    6 seen at feeders of Bacon St house and another flock of 10 that flew in later.
Yellow-rumped Warbler  2
Northern Cardinal  6
View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S123765771