BHI–Deer Island, Suffolk, Massachusetts, US
28-Jan-2023 09:10 – 12:19
Protocol: Traveling
1.4 mile(s)
Checklist Comments:    BBC walk co-led by Soheil Zendeh & Justine Hanson. Gull and sea duck levels way down compared to past years. Eastern side only. Sunny, low 40s, stiff WSW breeze.
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19 species
Greater Scaup  12
Common Eider  75    Numbers way down from past years – this species has been adversely affected by the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.
Surf Scoter  16
Long-tailed Duck  4
Bufflehead  14
Common Goldeneye  5
Red-breasted Merganser  20
Horned Grebe  5
Mourning Dove  6
Razorbill  1    Seen on the eastern side, where the railed walk begins. In active feeding mode and only seen by a few. Blunt-billed alcid, low slung, white throat, black face and back.
Ring-billed Gull  3
Herring Gull  30
Great Black-backed Gull  8
Common Loon  2
Red-tailed Hawk  1
Peregrine Falcon  1
Common Raven  2
Snow Bunting  12
Northern Cardinal  1
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