Castle Island & Pleasure Bay, Suffolk, Massachusetts, US
Mar 6, 2022 8:37 AM – 10:47 AM
Checklist Comments:    BBC field trip. Conditions quite variable – we started in dense fog with no wind, water like glass, then the fog cleared and the wind picked up and began gusting out of the SW. We walked the entire causeway to the Korean War memorial and back.
21 species
Brant  28
Canada Goose  14
American Black Duck  1
Common Eider  50
Surf Scoter  10
White-winged Scoter  1
Bufflehead  14
Common Goldeneye  8
Red-breasted Merganser  25
Dunlin  10
Purple Sandpiper  1
Ring-billed Gull  15
Herring Gull  25
Common Loon  2
Red-tailed Hawk  1
Blue Jay  1
European Starling  12
American Robin  4
House Sparrow  6
Snow Bunting  10
Song Sparrow  2
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