Cape Ann (please use more refined location), Essex, Massachusetts, US
20-Jan-2024 08:00 – 14:30
Protocol: Traveling
10.0 mile(s)
Checklist Comments:    BBC walk – bitterly cold ( 11-17 degrees plus wind chill) but managed to find birds in spite of conditions. Mostly cloudy and quite windy, as well.
47 species (+2 other taxa)
Canada Goose  86
Gadwall  2    Eastern Point
Mallard  96
American Black Duck  27
Ring-necked Duck  15    Niles Pond in small area of opened water
Greater Scaup  8    Fisherman’s statue
Greater/Lesser Scaup  1    Niles pond, actively diving
Common Eider  64
Harlequin Duck  12
Surf Scoter  27
White-winged Scoter  22
Long-tailed Duck  14
Bufflehead  42
Common Goldeneye  5
Hooded Merganser  11
Red-breasted Merganser  31
Horned Grebe  2
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  77
Mourning Dove  18
Purple Sandpiper  42
Black Guillemot  1    Back shore
Herring Gull  195
Great Black-backed Gull  34
Lesser Black-backed Gull  1    Jodrey fish pier
gull sp.  35
Red-throated Loon  1
Common Loon  10
Great Cormorant  17
Northern Harrier  2    1 at Loblolly Cove, and a ‘gray ghost’ at Jodrey Fish Pier
Cooper’s Hawk  1
Bald Eagle  2
Red-tailed Hawk  1
Downy Woodpecker  2
Blue Jay  3
American Crow  17
Black-capped Chickadee  4
Horned Lark  5    Good Harbor parking lot
White-breasted Nuthatch  1
Carolina Wren  2
European Starling  23
Hermit Thrush  1    In the thicket near 15 Niles Pond Rd with a large flock of American Robins
American Robin  89    conservative count
House Sparrow  13
Snow Bunting  20    Good Harbor beach parking lot
Clay-colored Sparrow  1    Reported previously by Mike Baird and Dave Williams at Old Garden Beach in Rockport
American Tree Sparrow  1
Dark-eyed Junco  2
Song Sparrow  14
Northern Cardinal  4
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