Boston Public Garden, Suffolk, Massachusetts, US

May 9, 2024 6:30 AM – 8:56 AM

Protocol: Traveling

1.347 mile(s)

Checklist Comments:    BBC walk, 15 participants 57 degrees partly sunny.  Pretty quiet for May 9.

37 species

Canada Goose  15

Mallard  17    Includes 7 ducklings

Chimney Swift  2

Herring Gull  12

Double-crested Cormorant  5

Red-tailed Hawk  1

Northern Flicker  1

Peregrine Falcon  1

Blue Jay  2

American Crow  1

Fish Crow  1

Black-capped Chickadee  1

White-breasted Nuthatch  2

European Starling  11

Gray Catbird  1

Northern Mockingbird  1

Veery  1

Hermit Thrush  1

American Robin  9

House Sparrow  25

House Finch  2

American Goldfinch  2

Chipping Sparrow  1

White-throated Sparrow  9

Savannah Sparrow  2

Song Sparrow  1

Lincoln’s Sparrow  1    Seen on the island, by 2 birders at the very end of the walk

Baltimore Oriole  1

Red-winged Blackbird  2

Common Grackle  8

Ovenbird  2

Black-and-white Warbler  1

Common Yellowthroat  3

Northern Parula  1

Magnolia Warbler  1

Yellow Warbler  2

Yellow-rumped Warbler  1

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