Celebrate Black Birders Week
Sunday May 26 – Saturday June 1, 2024
Black Birders Week is a week-long series of virtual and in-person events to promote equitable access to nature, to highlight Black nature enthusiasts, and to increase the visibility of Black birders, who face unique challenges and dangers when they are engaged in outdoor activities. Full information is available on their website.
The Brookline Bird Club is co-sponsoring three programs in celebration of Black Birders Week 2024!
- Sunday May 26, Franklin Park – Scarborough Pond, 8:00-10:00 AM
- Saturday June 1, Magazine Beach Park, Cambridge, 8:00-10:00 AM
- Saturday June 1, Neponset Greenway, Mattapan to Milton, 8:30-11:00 AM
All are FREE programs, no Registration required!
Please visit out BBC Field Trips page for more detailed information on each.