Calling all Brookline Bird Club members! Please join us for our Annual Members Meeting on Friday, April 19, 2024 from 7pm-9pm, with a social hour beginning at 6:30pm. This meeting will be hybrid: hosted at the Harvard University Geologic Hall (24 Oxford Street, Cambridge) as well as via Zoom for those unable to attend live.
We will be presenting, for your vote, the slate of BBC Officers and Directors, additional business items, and club updates. After the business portion of our evening, event speaker Deborah Cramer will give a presentation on her fascinating work with Red Knots, “Exciting Connections between the Lives of Migrating Shorebirds, Horseshoe Crabs, and Us”.
For more event details, and to register for the Zoom if you are unable to join us live, please visit the annual meeting event page. If you are not a member today but would like to become one, please complete an annual membership form. We look forward to seeing BBC members on April 19th!

Event speaker and author Deborah Cramer. Photo credit Jean Iron